【马上是中国苏里南建交欧博娱乐45周年】 は オランダ語 で何と言いますか?

发布时间:2024-09-26 05:56

https://hinative.com/en-US/questions/18636039 Here people struggle with the word 马上. I think 即将中国苏里南建交45周年 sounds better. 马上 sounds like “as Sonic”, “als een sneltrein”, meteen. 即将 sounds like for me as a formal word. This word can be translated as: soon, binnenkort. The word is translated as binnenkort by Daphne0507 based on context.

https://hinative.com/en-US/questions/18636039 Here people struggle with the word 马上. I think 即将中国苏里南建交45周年 sounds better. 马上 sounds like “as Sonic”, “als een sneltrein”, meteen. 即将 sounds like for me as a formal word. This word can be translated as: soon, binnenkort. The word is translated as binnenkort by Daphne0507 based on context.
