Where Will The Journey欧博 Take You?

发布时间:2024-09-04 03:15

Does genealogy research interest you?– Do you want help discovering your family history?
– Do you know where to find information about your ancestors?
– Do you know how to find what you are looking for?

You are probably wondering who can help you with all of your questions.

About Me Owain Couch

About Me Owain Couch

Owain Couch
The Genealogy Guide founder

Well, let Owain be your guide as he helps you to discover your ancestors while you build your family tree.

Check out the site to get the guidance that you need!How Can This Site Help You?

I have learned so much about my ancestors. And this has been possible due to the kindness of fellow historians and experts. Because of this generosity I wanted to create this site so that I could give back to the genealogy world, and help others to trace their family history.


Know where to look
Learn how and where to find information


Become efficient
Learn how to organize your research


Save time & money
Use simple methods to save your resources


Smash brick walls
Get tips to find your elusive ancestor


Pass on legacy
Discover how to preserve your ancestry

Take advantage of what this site has to offer, and let The Genealogy Guide show you the way!

What Can You Discover Here?

Genealogy doesn’t need to be an expensive hobby. And that is why I want to show you the latest genealogy deals and bargains. Besides that, there are many free resources available that you can take advantage of.

Within the site, you will also find helpful guides, tips, and product reviews discussing various genealogy products, tools, and services.

Latest Genealogy Deals and Bargains

Latest Genealogy Deals and Bargains

Deals & Bargains

Free Genealogy

Free Genealogy

Free Resources

Guides & Tips

Guides & Tips

Guides & Tips

Resources & Tools

Resources & Tools

Resources & Tools

Dates & Events

Dates & Events

Dates & Events

There is a lot of great information to be found here to help you on your genealogy journey!

What Are Other People Saying?

The Genealogy Guide prides itself on offering information that is easy to find and understand. I am pleased to say that these efforts have been recognized within the genealogy field.

Find My Family Stories

Find My Family Stories

Laurene Cross, Find My Family Stories

Laurene Cross, Find My Family Stories

“Owain’s website, The Genealogy Guide, is packed with tons of information about how to discover and document your family history. He provides the information and resources for both the beginner and advanced researcher to guide people on their search for their compelling family stories and unique ancestral tree.”

LAURENE CROSS, Owner, Find My Family Stories

Want to learn the steps to research your ancestry?

Trace Your Genealogy and Family History in 9 Simple Steps

Trace Your Genealogy and Family History in 9 Simple Steps

What’s the problem?

You don’t know where to start

You’re getting overwhelmed with all the data

You’re wasting time and money

Why check out this ebook?

No other guide that follows these steps

Covers everything that you need to know

Shows you the path to take to discover your ancestors

Why is this book for you?

It is easy to follow for anyone

You will learn lots of tips and tricks

You will save time and money

Check out my 9 simple step guide

Check out my 9 simple step guide

Thank You and Please Leave A Comment

I hope you find The Genealogy Guide website both helpful and useful. If you have any queries, comments or questions then please comment below or contact me.

Please share with your friends and family if you think this site will help others by using the social media buttons at the top.


Article Name

Welcome to The Genealogy Guide


Want help to build your family tree? Here you will find many guides, tips, and reviews of many family history products and services. Let me be your guide.


Owain Couch

Publisher Name

The Genealogy Guide

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The Genealogy Guide

The Genealogy Guide
