
发布时间:2024-07-12 16:30


Dear all


My name is xxx and I'm the 职位 of 公司.


I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you ... 我写邮件是要确认/询问/通知你


Thank you for contacting us.

Thank you for your email.


Well received!

Noted with thanks!


I would really appreciate it if ...

At your convenience, would you please ...


Our team would appreciate your insights/input on ...


I am wondering if it is possible that...

Is it possible that ...


Would you please keep me updated?

Any updates, please let know.

Can I get an update on the status of xxx please?

Can you provide an update on the status of xxx?

Please keep me posted on the progress.


I will keep you informed/posted/updated.


Is there any update?


At your earliest convenience



Your prompt reply will be highly/truly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.

Due to the short time frame for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated.

I'd be grateful if you could reply me at your earliest convenience.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could please get back to me at your earliest convenience.


I will come/get/go back to you shortly once/when ...

I am following up with permissions – I will get back to you shortly once I have a response.


Sorry for the delayed response...

I apologize for my late reply.


I will be available from 10am to 5pm any day for the rest of the week. 这周剩下几天每天早10点到晚5点我都有空。


Please refer to the attached document. 请参阅附件。

Please kindly see the attached ...

Please find attached document.

I have attached / am attaching xxxx for your review.

Please check out the attachments for more details.

Please find the detail information in the report attached. 具体信息请见附件。


Thank you so much for your great efforts.

Thank you for your assistance.

Thank you for providing the requested information. 如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。

Many thanks in advance.


Please let me know if you have any questions. 这句可以放在所有邮件结尾。永远不要说please tell me,而是please let me know。

Any concern feel free to let me know/reach me out.


You can reach me at 111-222-3333 or email me back if you need to reschedule.


Sup Dudes and Dudettes!


Hope this email finds you well.

I hope you're having a wonderful day.

Thanks again for you time/patient!


Best Regards, Shawyer.


FYI = For your information 供您参考(給你的這資料,可以拿來參考,並當作文件的內容)

FYR = For your reference 供您参考(就是信件裡附的資料,只是給你參考,所以不一定跟你要做的事有關,也就是說這附件的資料,最好是不要用來當做內容)

PFA = Please find attached 请参看附件

RSVP = Please reply 收到请回复

ASAP = As soon as possible 紧急文件

BTW = By the way 顺带一提

TIA = 先谢了

IAM = in a meeting 会议中
